Magazines below on darker backgrounds are believed to be complete
runs. All magazines are in English unless otherwise noted.
Actuel#1-2, #4, #9 and #42 and Volume 1 #137
Advance Comics#38, #54-55, #58-62, #67, #69, #71, #75-76 and #82 and Orderbook #1. The final issue was #94.
Advanced Iron#1-12, #14-43 and #45-73. The final issue was #75.
Les Amis de Hergé#0-77, La bibliothèque Tintinophile idéale #1-3, Les Amis du Musée Hergé #1-21 and Les Amis du Musée Hergé hors série #1-3
Alter Ego v1#1-8 and #10. The final issue was #10.
Amazing Heroes#1-204, Interview #1-4, Preview Special #1-5 and #10-11 and Swimsuit Special #1-5
AnimeLand#230-235 and #237-238 and Hors série #1
aka#1-3, #5, #7 and #9-10
Les Arts Dessinés#1-20. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #28.
Batmania#1-16 and #19-21. The final issue was #23.
Bleeding Cool#0-10 and Free Comic Book Day #1-2. The final issue was #26.
BoDoï#1-121 and Hors série #1-19. The final issue was #122.
Castermag'#16-34 and Hors série #1. The final issue was #42.
CerebroVolume 1 #3-4, Volume 2 #1 and Volume 4 #20-21
Ciso Stripgids#4-11, #15-17 and #20-27. The final issue was #32.
Comic BoxAnnuel #1-3, Extra #4, Edition Speciale #1-5, Hors série #1-2 and #4; Volume 1 #0-7, #10, #13-35, #45-48, #50-55, #59, #61-63, #66, #68-69, #78-91, #93-101 and #103-104; Volume 2 #1-9, #60, #70, #92 and #102. The final issue was #104.
Comic-Con MagazineAnnual 2011 #1, Progress Report 1984 #2, Update 2005 #1-3, Update 2006 #1-2, Update 2007 #1-3, Year 2008 #1-3, Year 2009 #0-5 and Year 2010 #0-4
Comicguía#1-96 and Especial #1-2
Comic Heroes#1-3, #5, #11, #13-14, #16, #18 and #20-32. The final issue was #32.
The Comic Reader#8-20, #22-47, #49-77 and #79-219. The final issue was #219.
Comic Shop News#1, #8, #72, #75-76, #82, #85, #91, #93-95, #102, #104, #106, #108, #110, #112-113, #115-116, #118-119, #125-126, #128-130, #132-133, #138-139, #142, #148-153, #155-157, #162, #166-168, #170, #172-176, #181-182, #184, #190-193, #195-198, #203-206, #208-212, #214-215, #224, #226-228, #240, #244, #246, #248, #253, #256, #258-259, #261, #263, #267-268, #271-272, #274, #276-278, #280-281, #286, #289-290, #293-294, #299, #301, #303, #305, #309, #311-312, #314-315, #318-320, #322, #326-329, #332, #339, #346, #349-351, #356, #361, #371-372, #377, #379-380, #400, #408-411, #416-417, #424, #438, #472, #481, #483-484, #492, #495, #500, #508, #519-521, #526, #545, #594, #672-673, #676-677, #696, #705, #719, #743, #750, #758, #763, #766, #788, #808, #824, #863, #869-870, #874, #880, #905, #910-911, #914-930, #932, #940-948, #950, #952, #954, #964-965, #976, #1024, #1029-1032, #1053, #1067, #1139, #1147-1254, #1259-1331 and #1333-1352; Preview #1-31 and Special #1-15
Comic Talk#1-7, #10 and #13-14 and Extra #2. The final issue was #16.
The Comics Buyer's Guide#101-114, #148-150, #158-160, #174, #176-179, #181, #183, #194, #196, #198-199, #211, #214, #224-225, #345, #483, #498, #511, #530, #534, #563, #573-574, #660, #673-676, #711, #719, #747, #778, #787, #789, #799-801, #821, #833, #840, #860, #878, #885, #891, #894, #899, #907-908, #911, #913-914, #916-919, #926, #928, #930-931, #933, #935, #950, #955, #960, #966-967, #993, #1004, #1035, #1037, #1082, #1096, #1100, #1105, #1107-1108, #1111, #1137, #1140, #1173, #1185, #1199, #1202, #1211, #1217, #1238-1239, #1244, #1253, #1261, #1266, #1275, #1277-1280, #1298, #1305-1306, #1313-1315, #1317, #1328-1329, #1331-1347, #1349-1360, #1373-1375, #1412, #1427, #1430, #1451, #1476, #1491, #1493, #1630, #1661 and #1663; Annual #1992-1997 and Special #1-2. The final issue was #1699.
The Comics File#1-3, Critics' Choice #3-9 and Spotlight On... #1-7
Comics Interview#1-83, #85-96, #99-106, #108-111, #113-116, #118-122, #125-126, #128, #130-132, #134-135, #137, #142 and #147 and Hot Tips From Top Comics Creators #1. The final issue was #147.
Comics SceneVolume 1 #1-11, Volume 2 #1-56, Presents #1 and Special #1-7
Comics Values Monthly#2-29, #31-39, #41-45, #47-49, #51, #54, #56-57, #61-80, #82-85, #88-97, #101-103 and #107 and Special #1-2. The final issue was #109.
Comiqueando#1-5, #7-17, #21, #23, #26-35, #37, #40, #43, #48, #54 and #59; Digital #4, Especial #4, Extra #0, #3-4, #8, #16, #18-21 and #23-24
Comixscene#1-3 and #5-6. The final issue was #6.
Comix Wave#1-71 and #74-164 and Special #9
Crikey!#1-4, #6-8, #12 and #14-16 and Special #1. The final issue was #16.
[dBD]#1-23 and #25-26; Hors série #5, #7-12, #14-16 and #18; Volume 2 #24, #43, #45, #48-122, #125-172 and #181-184. The final issue was #27.
Dentro de la Viñeta#1-6, #8-9, #11, #22 and #25 and Especial #1. The final issue was #32.
Diamond Previews#300-331, #333-375, #377-379, #382-383, #385-387 and #389 and Star System Catalog #1
Ditkomania#11, #16-20, #23-25, #27-28, #33, #36, #43, #45-50, #58-63, #67, #82, #84 and #89-93. The final issue was #94.
Dolmen#2-294 and #296-300; Anunario #1-2, Especial #1-3 and #6; Europa #2-3, Monográfico #1, #4-5 and #10-11
Eagle Times#V16-2, Vol 17 #3, Vol 19 #3-4, Vol 20 #1, Vol 22 #3-4, Vol 24 #1 and #3-4; Vol 25 #1 and Vol 6 #4
El pequeño Nemo#1, #3-8, #10-11, #13-17, #19, #21, #23 and #25-26. The final issue was #31.
El Wendigo#0-32, #34, #37-39, #42, #45-49, #51-52, #54-57, #59-67, #69-79, #82, #85-86, #89-94, #99-100 and #103-116
Exploit Comics#1-5, #8-16, #18-19, #21-23, #28-30, #32 and #38
Fantastic Fanzine#4, #6-9 and #11-14; Special #1-2, Volume 2 #1, Volume 3 #1-3, Volume 4 #1 and Volume 5 #1-3
Forum#1-8, #10-23, #25-26, #28, #30-34, #36 and #38-39 and Especial #1
From The Tomb#16, #22 and #24. The final issue was #24.
Fumetto#1, #4-8, #21, #46-52, #55, #57, #59-60, #62, #90, #95 and #100; Speciale #1-3 and #5-7
Fumo di China#1-4, #11-12, #14-29, #45, #124, #133-134, #143, #146, #150, #168, #239, #242, #245-255, #260 and #264-267; supplemento #4, #7, #16, #18, #20, #28, #35, #37, #132, #240 and #259-261
Funnyworld#1-5 and #7-22. The final issue was #23.
Guía del Cómic#0, #5, #7-8, #10, #13-14 and #17. The final issue was #17.
Hero Illustrated#1-26, Special #1-8 and #10. The final issue was #26.
Indy Magazine#1-5, #7-8 and #10-17. The final issue was #17.
KABoom#1-14. The final issue was #17.
Kulørte sider#16, #19-22, #24-30, #32, #35-38 and #40-43. The final issue was #43.
Marvel Age#1-140, Annual #1-4, Preview #1-2 and Special #1-2
Marvel Age España#1, #5-6, #9-12, #15-16, #18, #20-21, #23, #26-28, #30-31, #34-35, #39-41 and #43-44. The final issue was #44.
Marvel PreviewsSpecial #1-5, Volume 1 #1-107, Year 2018 #8-16, Year 2019 #17-29, Volume 2 #1-12 and #14-36; Year 2020 #1, #5, #31-33 and #38; Year 2021 #1, #6, #8-9 and #11-14; Year 2022 #3-13, Year 2023 #1 and #14-24; Volume 3 #1-13 and #15-24; Volume 4 #1-7 and #12-13
Mediascene#8-10, #13-16, #26 and #36-37; History of Comics #1-2 and Prevue #1. The final issue was #40.
Mundo dos Super-Heróis#1, #3-8, #10-11, #14, #16, #74, #76, #86, #88, #92, #95, #98 and #150. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #153.
Near Mint#1, #3, #7-8 and #18-19. The final issue was #32.
Newfangles#1-10, #25-46 and #48-54. The final issue was #54.
P@per#1-6 and #14-17
Reddition#36, #41-42, #46, #52 and #65. The final issue was #80.
Rocket's Blast & Comicollector#36, #47, #51-59, #61, #64-102, #104-113, #115-116 and #118-152; Comicollector #1, Special #0-1 and #7-8. The final issue was #152.
Sapristi!#10, #28-42, #44-49 and #51. The final issue was #52.
Scarce#1-17, #61 and #63 and Hors série #1. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #93.
Die Sprechblase#1-64, #66-67, #69, #71-72, #163 and #170-233 and Beilage #0-6
Striprofiel#2-3, #7-10, #32, #37, #41-42, #44-45, #52 and #60 and Special #1-2. The final issue was #60.
Stripschrift#2-365, #372, #376, #384, #397, #402, #404, #407, #409-411, #413-415, #417-420, #422 and #454 and Special #7-8. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #494.
Tebeosfera#1-3, #5-6, #8 and #11-14 and Especial #1-3
Tegn#1-8, #10-26 and #29-52. The final issue was #52.
Tekst & tegning#8-10, #14, #16-20, #22-27 and #30-31. The final issue was #31.
Toyfare#1-9, #11-15, #49, #52, #56, #74, #76-78, #87, #94, #96, #98 and #106-107 and Special Edition #1. The final issue was #158.
U el Hijo de Urich#1-16, #18, #22-23 and #26 and Especial #1. The final issue was #27.
VantageComics Focus #1, Comic & Card Picks #0-1, #8-12 and #14-17; Comic & Card Picks Special #1-2, Press Release Review #0-7, Press Release Review Special #1-2, Volume 2 #0-1, #4 and #6
Vécu#0-16 and #19. The final issue was #58.
VolumenDos #1-10 and Uno #1-9
Wizard Magazine#0-111, #117, #119, #125 and #130-235; Edge #1-3, 2000 #1, Special #1-17 and Xtra #1. The final issue was #235.
Xero#1 and #3-10; Comics #4 and #8-10
Zone 5300#29, #34-37, #46, #96-97 and #99-100. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #135.
Zoo le Mag#1-7 and #9-57 and Hors série #1-6. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #100.
ZozoLala#37, #49-51, #54-55, #57-58, #60-66, #73, #76-77, #79-80, #83, #86-90, #92-95, #97-98, #101-105, #108-110, #112-116, #118, #122-123, #127, #129, #134, #136, #138, #141, #144-146, #148, #156, #163 and #169. The final issue was #180.
Z: Zona CómicVolume 1 #0-12, Volume 2 #1-12, Volume 3 #1-12, Volume 4 #1-12, Volume 5 #50, #52, #57-58, #60, #62-63, #68, #70, #72, #74, #81-82, #84-90, #94, #99 and #101. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #125.
Miscellaneous FanzinesAlternatives #4-5 and #7; Art Show #1, Blue Boy Chronicles #1, Comic Art #1, Comic Art Convention #1-18, Charlton Bullseye #1-5, Comic Crusader #3 and #14; The Illustrated Comic Collector's Handbook #1-2, Comic Fandom Monthly #1-6, Comicology Fan Review #1 and #3-6; Comic Media #10, Comicon #79, Countdown #2, Contemporary Pictorial Literature #8-12, Comicscape #1-3, Comics: The Golden Age #1-6, EC Fan Addict #0-1 and #3; Etcetera Volume 1 #1, #5 and #8-9; Etcetera Volume 2 #1-3, Feature #6, Fandom's Agent #1-4, Fandom Annual #1-3, Fanboy! Journal of Comics Fandom #1-4, Fantastic Exploits #17-19, Fandom Feature #2, Fantasy Hero #4, Fan Informer #23, Fandom Marketplace #2, Fandom Trader #14, Fantasticzine #1, GASP! #1, George Perez: Accent On The First E #1, George Perez Newsletter #1-3, Guts #1 and #5; Horror from the Crypt of Fear #9-10, Heroes Volume 2 #4, Inside Comics #1-4, Illustrated Comic Collector's Handbook #1, It's Melvin! #1, Informative on Comics #1-2, Jeddak #2, Lacunae #4, #7 and #9; Legion Outpost #1 and #10; Legion Outpost II #1-9, Marvel Chronicles #1, Mad World Of Marveldom #1, The Marvel Art Review #1, Masquerader #1, Marvel Times #1 and #3; Myth Information #14, Manga Newswatch #2-3, #5 and #7; The Journal of MODOK Studies #1-3, MXE #1-3, 1986 #1, Nostalgia News #19-20, Omniverse #1-2, The O'Neil Observer #1 and #4; Panels #1-2, Pittsburgh Fan Forum #13-17, #19-22, #27-31 and #34-36; Paragon Golden Age Greats #1, Poor Richard's Adzine #1-3, Qua Brot #1, Rocket Boosters! #1-2, Ronn Foss Retrospective #1-2, Slam-Bang #1 and #4; Silhuoette #1, Seduction of the Innocent #1, Splash Page #2, Spooky, The Warren Fanzine #1-2, Superheroes Confidential #1-2, The Collector #21, The Comic Press Volume 2 #1-2, Two Decades of Comics: A Review #1, The Duckburg Times #24-25, Tetragrammaton Fragments #85-86, #90, #93, #202, #227-230, #234, #248 and #252; The Fan's Zine #7, The Golden Age #1-3 and #6-7; The Journal of MODOK Studies #1-3, Train of Thought #5, A Treatise on Reality in Comic Literature #1, The Shield G-Man Club Fanzine #1-5, Tales That Astonished #1-3, The Wonderful World of Comix! #3 and #6; The Wonderful World of Marvel #1, Voice of Comicdom #17, Vault of Mindless Fellowship #1-2, Weirdom Volume 2 #1 and #3; Wowee Kazowie! #1-2 and #4; Wallace Wood Treasury #1 and Wonderworld Volume 3 #2
Miscellaneous IndicesComics Price Quotes #1-2, 1000 Comics You Must Read #1, The Guide to Dark Horse Comics #1, Fandom Directory #7, #12, #14-15 and #18; Collectors Guide: The First Heroic Age #1, The Golden Age Comic Books Index #1, Grand Book Center Catalog #5, Mile High Futures #52, The Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide #1, Robin Snyder Comic Book List #1 and The Standard Catalog of Comic Books #4-5
Miscellaneous MagazinesA Librarian's Guide to ... #1-3, Broken Pencil #74, #76-77 and #81-82; Comics, Between the Panels #1, Comics & Gaming #8-9, #12 and #14-16; The Charlton Comic Book Guide #1, Collector's Dream #1-5, Comic News #1-2, Combo #1, Crash #1, Fanfare #1-5, Fantacon Magazine #1, Four Color Magazine #1-5, Fangraphix #1-2, Flux #1-2 and #4-7; Comic Foundry Magazine #1, Greed Magazine #4-5, The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship #1, Hey Skinny! #1, How to read Donald Duck #1, Internal Correspondence #84, Illustrators #1-3, #8 and #11-12; The Imp #1-4, (kär-tön') #3, Mechademia #1-10, Rich Buckler's Secrets of Drawing Comics #2 and #4; Redeye #1, The Slings and Arrows Comic Guide #2, Sequential Art Narrative in Education v1 #1-3, Sequential Art Narrative in Education v2 #1-8, Stan Lee - Secrets Behind the Comics #1, The Great Comic Book Artists #1, The Monthly Crisis #1, The Superhero Book #1, The Ultimate Guide #1-11, The World of Marvel #1 and The Will Eisner Companion #1
Misc Promotional MaterialAnime Archive #1-5, Bud Plant Catalog #7 and #18; DC Focus #1, Dynapubs Product Catalog #1, Fantagraphics Catalog #208, Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades Of The World's Greatest Comics #1, IDW Coming Attractions #1, Image+ #1, Kitchen Sink Pipeline #112, Marvel Monthly Catalog #1-8, Mega Manga Catalog #1-3, Malibu Sunspots #5-6, Spin Again #4, SelfMadeHero Catalogue #1 and Sales to Astonish: The Comic Book #1-4
Misc French MagazinesLes Enfants d'Alix #1-11, Les Enfants d'Alix hors-série #1, Auracan #20, Auto Plus #47, Avengers: Guide complet des personnages #1, Beaux Arts: Hors série #1-7, #9, #19, #21, #33 and #35; Bédéka #1 and #5-6; Canal BD #152-157, Comics Mag #0-1 and #3-4; Comics Mag Bis #1, Ça m'interesse #11, Calliope #1-7, Calliope hors série #1-2, DC Comics: Le Guide Complet des Personnages #1, Dangereuses visions #1, L'ecran fantastique #1, Encyclopédie Marvel #1-4, Express #5, Extraits #1, Géo-Histoire #1-2, Grands reportages #376, Hergé #1-9, Historia #1-2 and #18; Le journal des fans de Comics & Strange #1-12, Les Hordes de Phobos #1-2, La Houppette Libérée #0-24, La Houppette Libérée hors série #1-3, L'histoire par la bande #1, Lire #15, #19 and #22; L'Obs #104, Le parisien #1, Marianne #1, MDCU Le Magazine #1-3, Omega #2 and #4; Philosophie #35, Strange Collector #1-3, Society #123, STP #0-1, Science & Vie #2, Tintinnabuler #1-7, #14 and #27-28 and Weird #7
Misc Spanish MagazinesAlbanta #1 and #16; Accion Mariano Ayuso #1, Bang! Extra #1, Bañadera del Cómic #1-6, Borquez #1, Cómic/Historietas/Tebeos #0-2, Cómic/Historietas/Tebeos Extras #1, Comic Independiente #1-12, Casa de las Américas #310, CRF: Comics Release Fanzine #1-5, Dreamers: La Revista #1, Dossier Colectivo #1, De tebeos #1-6, Embryo. Alan Moore en español #1-9, Eerie Planeta #1-4, Fanzine Andaluz #1, Fan Comics #1-2, 4 fantásticos #1, Globo #0-2, Imágenes #1-4, Infocómic #0, John Byrne: El artista #1-4, Komix #1, LaRaña de Seville #1-3, Mc Clure #1, Revista Muy Interesante Chile #1, Nemo: Fanzine de la historieta #1, Neuróptica. Estudios sobre el cómic #1-5, 24 Páginas #24, Plot #1, Quaderns de Cine #15, Ragnarok #8, La Revisteria Comics Press #1-4, Ruamayor #1, Taka de Tinta #0-9, The Fanzine #1-4, Tebeolandia #0-4, Tebeolandia Etc #1-3, Tebeolandia Segunda Epoca #0-5 and #9; El Tebeo del Saló #88-94, Yellow Kid #1-6, Year One #1 and Zoomcomix #1-3
Misc Spanish CataloguesComics made in Malaga #1, El Capitán Trueno #1, El estallido de los clásicos #1, Catalogo del Tebeo en España 1915-1965 #1, 1ª Muestra del Cómic #1, Catalogo de la Exposicion #1, Enrique Breccia #1, Entre viñetas #1, Exposicion Homenaje #1, Fanzine de Fanzines #1, Historieta chilena contemporánea 2006-2016 #1, La fuerza del humor #1, Lectores de Borges dibujantes #1, Nada se pierde #1, Nos toco hacer reir #1, Roberto el Negro Fontanarrosa #1, Mafalda en su sopa #1, Woodwork #1, Catalogo del Tebeo en España #1, Tajan - Vente Hugo Pratt #1, Moebius alla ricerca del tempo #1, Humor gráfico en la Transición #1, Nosotras Contamos #1, Gallardo #1, 100% Negro Fontanarrosa #1, A todo Patoruzú #1, Ciutat & Comic #1, Gastronomia y Tebeos #1, Historietas #1, Interseccions #1, Catalogo Max #1, Jérôme K. Jérôme Bloche #1, Los tebeos de ayer a hoy #1, Mangasia #1, Miguel Calatayud #1, Sobras Maestras #1, TBO 75 años #1, Tebeos 100 años de historia #1, Trillo de puño y tecla #1, Valencia en viñetas #1, Viaje con Nosotros #1, Mujeres de Papel #1, Exposicion del tebeo Aragones #1, La genetica del comic #1, ¡Cuántos son mis soldados! #1, Apòcrifs. El Diocesà il·lustrat #1, Cataleg d'autors #1, Pequeña Memoria Recobrada #1, Expocomic-XVI #1, Oesterheld y después #1, Barreiro #1, Calé #1, 14º Salon Internacional del COMIC de Barcelona #1, Con las historietas se come, se cura y se educa #1, Breve Historia Universal de Landrú #1, Bergé - Jacques Martin (1921-2010) #1, R. M. Guera #1, Mujeres chilenas en la historieta #1, Prehistoria y cómic #1, Tarzan y sus creadores gráficos #1, De Tapas #1, La Argentina sin careta #1, Antologia del Comic Andaluz #1, Castelao grafista #1 and Humor Franco #1-3
Misc German MagazinesComixene #17, Pandarve: Das Don Lawrence Magazin #1-5 and Splitter, Das Comic-Journal #1-5