Indexed Issues

If you have any missing issues, please scan and send them to me.

Magazines below on darker backgrounds are believed to be complete runs. All magazines are in English unless otherwise noted.

Actuel#1-2, #4, #9 and #42 and Volume 1 #137
Advance Comics#38, #54-55, #58-62, #67, #69, #71, #75-76 and #82 and Orderbook #1. The final issue was #94.
Advanced Iron#1-12, #14-43 and #45-73. The final issue was #75.
Les Amis de Hergé#0-77, La bibliothèque Tintinophile idéale #1-3, Les Amis du Musée Hergé #1-21 and Les Amis du Musée Hergé hors série #1-3
Alfonz: Enzyklopädie der Comics#1-53. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #117.
Alfred (Société Française de Bandes Dessinées)#1-16, #18 and #21-48
Alter Ego v1#1-8 and #10. The final issue was #10.
Amazing Heroes#1-204, Interview #1-4, Preview Special #1-5 and #10-11 and Swimsuit Special #1-5
AnimeLand#230-235 and #237-238 and Hors série #1
aka#1-3, #5, #7 and #9-10
Amazing World of DC Comics#1-17 and Special #1
Arena Magazine#1-17 and Year End Review #1
Arken Sword#10-11 and #15-18
Art? Alternatives#1-9
Les Arts Dessinés#1-20. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #28.
Bandes Annonces#5-14. The final issue was #23.
The Barks Collector#9-10, #33 and #41. The final issue was #42.
Batmania#1-16 and #19-21. The final issue was #23.
Bleeding Cool#0-10 and Free Comic Book Day #1-2. The final issue was #26.
BoDoï#1-121 and Hors série #1-19. The final issue was #122.
BEM: The Comics News Fanzine#1-36
Les Cahiers de la BD#1-89, Hors série #1-4 and Series 2 #1-5
Captain George's Comic World#6-7, #15, #18 and #27. The final issue was #28.
Cartoonist PROfiles#1-34 and #36-146. The final issue was #146.
Cascade Comix Monthly#1-4 and #6-23. The final issue was #23.
Castermag'#16-34 and Hors série #1. The final issue was #42.
CBLDF Defender#1-8 and Vol 2 #1-4
CerebroVolume 1 #3-4, Volume 2 #1 and Volume 4 #20-21
Circulo Andaluz de Tebeos#1-17 and #19-27
Ciso Stripgids#4-11, #15-17 and #20-27. The final issue was #32.
Closure: Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung#1-10, Halber #2, #4-7 and #9-10
Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées#11-13, #28, #31, #38, #89-91 and #97. The final issue was #114.
Comic Book Collector#1-5, #9, #18-19 and #22. The final issue was #24.
Comic Book Marketplace#1-121
Comic Book Profiles#2-8. The final issue was #8.
Comic BoxAnnuel #1-3, Extra #4, Edition Speciale #1-5, Hors série #1-2 and #4; Volume 1 #0-7, #10, #13-35, #45-48, #50-55, #59, #61-63, #66, #68-69, #78-91, #93-101 and #103-104; Volume 2 #1-9, #60, #70, #92 and #102. The final issue was #104.
Comic-Con MagazineAnnual 2011 #1, Progress Report 1984 #2, Update 2005 #1-3, Update 2006 #1-2, Update 2007 #1-3, Year 2008 #1-3, Year 2009 #0-5 and Year 2010 #0-4
Comic Fandom Quarterly#1-9
Comicguía#1-96 and Especial #1-2
Comic Heroes#1-3, #5, #11, #13-14, #16, #18 and #20-32. The final issue was #32.
The Comic Reader#8-20, #22-47, #49-77 and #79-219. The final issue was #219.
Comic Shop News#1, #8, #72, #75-76, #82, #85, #91, #93-95, #102, #104, #106, #108, #110, #112-113, #115-116, #118-119, #125-126, #128-130, #132-133, #138-139, #142, #148-153, #155-157, #162, #166-168, #170, #172-176, #181-182, #184, #190-193, #195-198, #203-206, #208-212, #214-215, #224, #226-228, #240, #244, #246, #248, #253, #256, #258-259, #261, #263, #267-268, #271-272, #274, #276-278, #280-281, #286, #289-290, #293-294, #299, #301, #303, #305, #309, #311-312, #314-315, #318-320, #322, #326-329, #332, #339, #346, #349-351, #356, #361, #371-372, #377, #379-380, #400, #408-411, #416-417, #424, #438, #472, #481, #483-484, #492, #495, #500, #508, #519-521, #526, #545, #594, #672-673, #676-677, #696, #705, #719, #743, #750, #758, #763, #766, #788, #808, #824, #863, #869-870, #874, #880, #905, #910-911, #914-930, #932, #940-948, #950, #952, #954, #964-965, #976, #1024, #1029-1032, #1053, #1067, #1139, #1147-1254, #1259-1331 and #1333-1352; Preview #1-31 and Special #1-15
Comic Talk#1-7, #10 and #13-14 and Extra #2. The final issue was #16.
The Comic Times/Media Showcase#1-7
Comico Attraction#6-13 and #15-16 and Comico Checklist #0-5
The Comics Buyer's Guide#101-114, #148-150, #158-160, #174, #176-179, #181, #183, #194, #196, #198-199, #211, #214, #224-225, #345, #483, #498, #511, #530, #534, #563, #573-574, #660, #673-676, #711, #719, #747, #778, #787, #789, #799-801, #821, #833, #840, #860, #878, #885, #891, #894, #899, #907-908, #911, #913-914, #916-919, #926, #928, #930-931, #933, #935, #950, #955, #960, #966-967, #993, #1004, #1035, #1037, #1082, #1096, #1100, #1105, #1107-1108, #1111, #1137, #1140, #1173, #1185, #1199, #1202, #1211, #1217, #1238-1239, #1244, #1253, #1261, #1266, #1275, #1277-1280, #1298, #1305-1306, #1313-1315, #1317, #1328-1329, #1331-1347, #1349-1360, #1373-1375, #1412, #1427, #1430, #1451, #1476, #1491, #1493, #1630, #1661 and #1663; Annual #1992-1997 and Special #1-2. The final issue was #1699.
The Comics Buyer's Guide Price Guide#1-25 and The Comic Book Checklist & Price Guide #13-14
Comics Collector#1-10
ComicScene UK#1-13, Special #1-6 and Volume 1 #1
Comics Feature#1-57 and Collector's Edition #1-7
The Comics File#1-3, Critics' Choice #3-9 and Spotlight On... #1-7
Comics Interview#1-83, #85-96, #99-106, #108-111, #113-116, #118-122, #125-126, #128, #130-132, #134-135, #137, #142 and #147 and Hot Tips From Top Comics Creators #1. The final issue was #147.
Comics International#11, #17, #19, #21, #23, #25-27, #29, #45, #158 and #205
The Comics Journal#1, #14, #17-18 and #27-302 and Special #1-4
Comics SceneVolume 1 #1-11, Volume 2 #1-56, Presents #1 and Special #1-7
Comics Scene España#1-19
Comics Source#1-29
Comics Values Monthly#2-29, #31-39, #41-45, #47-49, #51, #54, #56-57, #61-80, #82-85, #88-97, #101-103 and #107 and Special #1-2. The final issue was #109.
The Comic World#10, #12, #14 and #16. The final issue was #21.
Comikaze: Por amor al (9o) Arte#1-7 and Especial #1-2. The final issue was #39.
Comiqueando#1-5, #7-17, #21, #23, #26-35, #37, #40, #43, #48, #54 and #59; Digital #4, Especial #4, Extra #0, #3-4, #8, #16, #18-21 and #23-24
Comixscene#1-3 and #5-6. The final issue was #6.
Comix Wave#1-71 and #74-164 and Special #9
Charlton Spotlight#1-9
Crikey!#1-4, #6-8, #12 and #14-16 and Special #1. The final issue was #16.
CuCo: Cuadernos de Cómic#1-17
Dark Horse InsiderVolume 2 #1-4, #6-12, #15-20, #23 and #33
[dBD]#1-23 and #25-26; Hors série #5, #7-12, #14-16 and #18; Volume 2 #24, #43, #45, #48-122, #125-172 and #181-184. The final issue was #27.
DC Coming Attractions#7 and #13-24
DC Connect#1-10 and #13-51
DC Nation#0-6
DC Releases#1-48
Dentro de la Viñeta#1-6, #8-9, #11, #22 and #25 and Especial #1. The final issue was #32.
Diamond Previews#300-331, #333-375, #377-379, #382-383, #385-387 and #389 and Star System Catalog #1
Diamond Previews Adult#291-296, #298-375 and #377-379
Direct Currents#1-92, Special #1-2 and Volume 2 #1
Ditkomania#11, #16-20, #23-25, #27-28, #33, #36, #43, #45-50, #58-63, #67, #82, #84 and #89-93. The final issue was #94.
Dolmen#2-294 and #296-300; Anunario #1-2, Especial #1-3 and #6; Europa #2-3, Monográfico #1, #4-5 and #10-11
Eagle Times#V16-2, Vol 17 #3, Vol 19 #3-4, Vol 20 #1, Vol 22 #3-4, Vol 24 #1 and #3-4; Vol 25 #1 and Vol 6 #4
Eclipse Extra#27, #29-30, #32, #37-38, #46 and #48
El maquinista#1-14
El pequeño Nemo#1, #3-8, #10-11, #13-17, #19, #21, #23 and #25-26. The final issue was #31.
El Wendigo#0-32, #34, #37-39, #42, #45-49, #51-52, #54-57, #59-67, #69-79, #82, #85-86, #89-94, #99-100 and #103-116
Exploit Comics#1-5, #8-16, #18-19, #21-23, #28-30, #32 and #38
Factsheet Five#1, #25 and #27-45
Fantaco Chronicles#1-6
Fantastic Fanzine#4, #6-9 and #11-14; Special #1-2, Volume 2 #1, Volume 3 #1-3, Volume 4 #1 and Volume 5 #1-3
Figurines Marvel#0-61, #70-104 and #118 and Hors série #1-4
Focus On...#1-5
Following Cerebus#1-12
FOOM: Friends Of Ol' Marvel#1-22 and Volume 2 #1
Forum#1-8, #10-23, #25-26, #28, #30-34, #36 and #38-39 and Especial #1
From The Tomb#16, #22 and #24. The final issue was #24.
Fumetto#1, #4-8, #21, #46-52, #55, #57, #59-60, #62, #90, #95 and #100; Speciale #1-3 and #5-7
Il Fumetto#1-4
Fumo di China#1-4, #11-12, #14-29, #45, #124, #133-134, #143, #146, #150, #168, #239, #242, #245-255, #260 and #264-267; supplemento #4, #7, #16, #18, #20, #28, #35, #37, #132, #240 and #259-261
Funnyworld#1-5 and #7-22. The final issue was #23.
Giff Wiff#1-23 and Bis #21-23
The Golden Age of Comics#1-6 and #8-9 and Special #1. The final issue was #9.
Graphic Story Magazine#13-16. The final issue was #16.
Graphic Story World#1-10
Guía del Cómic#0, #5, #7-8, #10, #13-14 and #17. The final issue was #17.
Hero Illustrated#1-26, Special #1-8 and #10. The final issue was #26.
The Heroine Addict#1-11
Illustration Magazine#1-30
Indy Magazine#1-5, #7-8 and #10-17. The final issue was #17.
Inside Image#1-26
The Journal of Graphic Novels and ComicsVolume 1 #1, Volume 2 #1-2, Volume 3 #1-2, Volume 4 #1-2, Volume 5 #1-2 and #4
K-A CAPA alpha#1-20. The final issue was #60.
KABoom#1-14. The final issue was #17.
Krazy Comics#1-20 and Extra #1-2
Kulørte sider#16, #19-22, #24-30, #32, #35-38 and #40-43. The final issue was #43.
La Lettre de Dargaud#14-22, #24 and #26-27
LOC: Fandom's Forum#1-10
Manara Figurines#1-50
Marvel Age#1-140, Annual #1-4, Preview #1-2 and Special #1-2
Marvel Age España#1, #5-6, #9-12, #15-16, #18, #20-21, #23, #26-28, #30-31, #34-35, #39-41 and #43-44. The final issue was #44.
Marvel Comics Index#1-9 and B #7-9
Marvel Vision#1-30
Marvel PreviewsSpecial #1-5, Volume 1 #1-107, Year 2018 #8-16, Year 2019 #17-29, Volume 2 #1-12 and #14-36; Year 2020 #1, #5, #31-33 and #38; Year 2021 #1, #6, #8-9 and #11-14; Year 2022 #3-13, Year 2023 #1 and #14-24; Volume 3 #1-13 and #15-24; Volume 4 #1-7 and #12-13
Marvel: The Year in Review#1-6 and #11-12
Marvelmania#1-6 and Catalog #1-2
Mediascene#8-10, #13-16, #26 and #36-37; History of Comics #1-2 and Prevue #1. The final issue was #40.
Mundos de Papel#0-20
Mundo dos Super-Heróis#1, #3-8, #10-11, #14, #16, #74, #76, #86, #88, #92, #95, #98 and #150. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #153.
Near Mint#1, #3, #7-8 and #18-19. The final issue was #32.
Nemo: The Classic Comics Library#1-32 and Annual #1
Net Comic#1-32
Neuvieme art#0-15 and Hors série #1
Newfangles#1-10, #25-46 and #48-54. The final issue was #54.
Overstreet's Comic Book Marketplace/Monthly#1-12 and #16-21 and Free Comic Book Day #2-6. The final issue was #21.
Overstreet's Comic Book Price Guide#1-7, #10-13, #19-20, #22-24, #26, #30-31, #34-35, #38 and #41-52
Overstreet's FAN#1-24
Overstreet's Price Update#1-25
Pacesetter: The George Perez Magazine#1-16
The Padre Comics News#1-17
Panini Comic News#1-17
P@per#1-6 and #14-17
Période Rouge#1-25 and Album #1-3
Planète BD#1-60
Protoculture Addicts#1, #3-7, #9-10, #12 and #15-29. The final issue was #98.
Reddition#36, #41-42, #46, #52 and #65. The final issue was #80.
La Revista de ECC Cómics#1-52
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la Historieta#1-37
Rocket's Blast & Comicollector#36, #47, #51-59, #61, #64-102, #104-113, #115-116 and #118-152; Comicollector #1, Special #0-1 and #7-8. The final issue was #152.
Sapristi!#10, #28-42, #44-49 and #51. The final issue was #52.
Scarce#1-17, #61 and #63 and Hors série #1. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #93.
Self Publisher! Magazine#58-64, #66-69, #71-77 and #80
Slumberland#1-38 and Especial #1-4
Sonaste Maneco#1-7 and #9-15; Especial #12-13 and #15
Die Sprechblase#1-64, #66-67, #69, #71-72, #163 and #170-233 and Beilage #0-6
Squa Tront#1-10
StripNieuws#20, #28, #41 and #46
Striprofiel#2-3, #7-10, #32, #37, #41-42, #44-45, #52 and #60 and Special #1-2. The final issue was #60.
Stripschrift#2-365, #372, #376, #384, #397, #402, #404, #407, #409-411, #413-415, #417-420, #422 and #454 and Special #7-8. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #494.
De Stripspeciaal Zaak#1-61 and Special #1
Tebeosfera#1-3, #5-6, #8 and #11-14 and Especial #1-3
Tegn#1-8, #10-26 and #29-52. The final issue was #52.
Tekst & tegning#8-10, #14, #16-20, #22-27 and #30-31. The final issue was #31.
Toyfare#1-9, #11-15, #49, #52, #56, #74, #76-78, #87, #94, #96, #98 and #106-107 and Special Edition #1. The final issue was #158.
The Telegraph Wire#9-11 and #13-24
U el Hijo de Urich#1-16, #18, #22-23 and #26 and Especial #1. The final issue was #27.
Valiant Voice#1-19 and Special #1
VantageComics Focus #1, Comic & Card Picks #0-1, #8-12 and #14-17; Comic & Card Picks Special #1-2, Press Release Review #0-7, Press Release Review Special #1-2, Volume 2 #0-1, #4 and #6
Vécu#0-16 and #19. The final issue was #58.
VolumenDos #1-10 and Uno #1-9
WAP: Words & Pictures#1-8
Wizard Magazine#0-111, #117, #119, #125 and #130-235; Edge #1-3, 2000 #1, Special #1-17 and Xtra #1. The final issue was #235.
Xero#1 and #3-10; Comics #4 and #8-10
Zone 5300#29, #34-37, #46, #96-97 and #99-100. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #135.
Zoo le Mag#1-7 and #9-57 and Hors série #1-6. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #100.
ZozoLala#37, #49-51, #54-55, #57-58, #60-66, #73, #76-77, #79-80, #83, #86-90, #92-95, #97-98, #101-105, #108-110, #112-116, #118, #122-123, #127, #129, #134, #136, #138, #141, #144-146, #148, #156, #163 and #169. The final issue was #180.
Z: Zona CómicVolume 1 #0-12, Volume 2 #1-12, Volume 3 #1-12, Volume 4 #1-12, Volume 5 #50, #52, #57-58, #60, #62-63, #68, #70, #72, #74, #81-82, #84-90, #94, #99 and #101. Ongoing magazine. The last registered issue is #125.
Miscellaneous FanzinesAlternatives #4-5 and #7; Art Show #1, Blue Boy Chronicles #1, Comic Art #1, Comic Art Convention #1-18, Charlton Bullseye #1-5, Comic Crusader #3 and #14; The Illustrated Comic Collector's Handbook #1-2, Comic Fandom Monthly #1-6, Comicology Fan Review #1 and #3-6; Comic Media #10, Comicon #79, Countdown #2, Contemporary Pictorial Literature #8-12, Comicscape #1-3, Comics: The Golden Age #1-6, EC Fan Addict #0-1 and #3; Etcetera Volume 1 #1, #5 and #8-9; Etcetera Volume 2 #1-3, Feature #6, Fandom's Agent #1-4, Fandom Annual #1-3, Fanboy! Journal of Comics Fandom #1-4, Fantastic Exploits #17-19, Fandom Feature #2, Fantasy Hero #4, Fan Informer #23, Fandom Marketplace #2, Fandom Trader #14, Fantasticzine #1, GASP! #1, George Perez: Accent On The First E #1, George Perez Newsletter #1-3, Guts #1 and #5; Horror from the Crypt of Fear #9-10, Heroes Volume 2 #4, Inside Comics #1-4, Illustrated Comic Collector's Handbook #1, It's Melvin! #1, Informative on Comics #1-2, Jeddak #2, Lacunae #4, #7 and #9; Legion Outpost #1 and #10; Legion Outpost II #1-9, Marvel Chronicles #1, Mad World Of Marveldom #1, The Marvel Art Review #1, Masquerader #1, Marvel Times #1 and #3; Myth Information #14, Manga Newswatch #2-3, #5 and #7; The Journal of MODOK Studies #1-3, MXE #1-3, 1986 #1, Nostalgia News #19-20, Omniverse #1-2, The O'Neil Observer #1 and #4; Panels #1-2, Pittsburgh Fan Forum #13-17, #19-22, #27-31 and #34-36; Paragon Golden Age Greats #1, Poor Richard's Adzine #1-3, Qua Brot #1, Rocket Boosters! #1-2, Ronn Foss Retrospective #1-2, Slam-Bang #1 and #4; Silhuoette #1, Seduction of the Innocent #1, Splash Page #2, Spooky, The Warren Fanzine #1-2, Superheroes Confidential #1-2, The Collector #21, The Comic Press Volume 2 #1-2, Two Decades of Comics: A Review #1, The Duckburg Times #24-25, Tetragrammaton Fragments #85-86, #90, #93, #202, #227-230, #234, #248 and #252; The Fan's Zine #7, The Golden Age #1-3 and #6-7; The Journal of MODOK Studies #1-3, Train of Thought #5, A Treatise on Reality in Comic Literature #1, The Shield G-Man Club Fanzine #1-5, Tales That Astonished #1-3, The Wonderful World of Comix! #3 and #6; The Wonderful World of Marvel #1, Voice of Comicdom #17, Vault of Mindless Fellowship #1-2, Weirdom Volume 2 #1 and #3; Wowee Kazowie! #1-2 and #4; Wallace Wood Treasury #1 and Wonderworld Volume 3 #2
Miscellaneous IndicesComics Price Quotes #1-2, 1000 Comics You Must Read #1, The Guide to Dark Horse Comics #1, Fandom Directory #7, #12, #14-15 and #18; Collectors Guide: The First Heroic Age #1, The Golden Age Comic Books Index #1, Grand Book Center Catalog #5, Mile High Futures #52, The Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide #1, Robin Snyder Comic Book List #1 and The Standard Catalog of Comic Books #4-5
Miscellaneous MagazinesA Librarian's Guide to ... #1-3, Broken Pencil #74, #76-77 and #81-82; Comics, Between the Panels #1, Comics & Gaming #8-9, #12 and #14-16; The Charlton Comic Book Guide #1, Collector's Dream #1-5, Comic News #1-2, Combo #1, Crash #1, Fanfare #1-5, Fantacon Magazine #1, Four Color Magazine #1-5, Fangraphix #1-2, Flux #1-2 and #4-7; Comic Foundry Magazine #1, Greed Magazine #4-5, The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship #1, Hey Skinny! #1, How to read Donald Duck #1, Internal Correspondence #84, Illustrators #1-3, #8 and #11-12; The Imp #1-4, (kär-tön') #3, Mechademia #1-10, Rich Buckler's Secrets of Drawing Comics #2 and #4; Redeye #1, The Slings and Arrows Comic Guide #2, Sequential Art Narrative in Education v1 #1-3, Sequential Art Narrative in Education v2 #1-8, Stan Lee - Secrets Behind the Comics #1, The Great Comic Book Artists #1, The Monthly Crisis #1, The Superhero Book #1, The Ultimate Guide #1-11, The World of Marvel #1 and The Will Eisner Companion #1
Misc Promotional MaterialAnime Archive #1-5, Bud Plant Catalog #7 and #18; DC Focus #1, Dynapubs Product Catalog #1, Fantagraphics Catalog #208, Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades Of The World's Greatest Comics #1, IDW Coming Attractions #1, Image+ #1, Kitchen Sink Pipeline #112, Marvel Monthly Catalog #1-8, Mega Manga Catalog #1-3, Malibu Sunspots #5-6, Spin Again #4, SelfMadeHero Catalogue #1 and Sales to Astonish: The Comic Book #1-4
Misc French MagazinesLes Enfants d'Alix #1-11, Les Enfants d'Alix hors-série #1, Auracan #20, Auto Plus #47, Avengers: Guide complet des personnages #1, Beaux Arts: Hors série #1-7, #9, #19, #21, #33 and #35; Bédéka #1 and #5-6; Canal BD #152-157, Comics Mag #0-1 and #3-4; Comics Mag Bis #1, Ça m'interesse #11, Calliope #1-7, Calliope hors série #1-2, DC Comics: Le Guide Complet des Personnages #1, Dangereuses visions #1, L'ecran fantastique #1, Encyclopédie Marvel #1-4, Express #5, Extraits #1, Géo-Histoire #1-2, Grands reportages #376, Hergé #1-9, Historia #1-2 and #18; Le journal des fans de Comics & Strange #1-12, Les Hordes de Phobos #1-2, La Houppette Libérée #0-24, La Houppette Libérée hors série #1-3, L'histoire par la bande #1, Lire #15, #19 and #22; L'Obs #104, Le parisien #1, Marianne #1, MDCU Le Magazine #1-3, Omega #2 and #4; Philosophie #35, Strange Collector #1-3, Society #123, STP #0-1, Science & Vie #2, Tintinnabuler #1-7, #14 and #27-28 and Weird #7
Misc Spanish MagazinesAlbanta #1 and #16; Accion Mariano Ayuso #1, Bang! Extra #1, Bañadera del Cómic #1-6, Borquez #1, Cómic/Historietas/Tebeos #0-2, Cómic/Historietas/Tebeos Extras #1, Comic Independiente #1-12, Casa de las Américas #310, CRF: Comics Release Fanzine #1-5, Dreamers: La Revista #1, Dossier Colectivo #1, De tebeos #1-6, Embryo. Alan Moore en español #1-9, Eerie Planeta #1-4, Fanzine Andaluz #1, Fan Comics #1-2, 4 fantásticos #1, Globo #0-2, Imágenes #1-4, Infocómic #0, John Byrne: El artista #1-4, Komix #1, LaRaña de Seville #1-3, Mc Clure #1, Revista Muy Interesante Chile #1, Nemo: Fanzine de la historieta #1, Neuróptica. Estudios sobre el cómic #1-5, 24 Páginas #24, Plot #1, Quaderns de Cine #15, Ragnarok #8, La Revisteria Comics Press #1-4, Ruamayor #1, Taka de Tinta #0-9, The Fanzine #1-4, Tebeolandia #0-4, Tebeolandia Etc #1-3, Tebeolandia Segunda Epoca #0-5 and #9; El Tebeo del Saló #88-94, Yellow Kid #1-6, Year One #1 and Zoomcomix #1-3
Misc Spanish CataloguesComics made in Malaga #1, El Capitán Trueno #1, El estallido de los clásicos #1, Catalogo del Tebeo en España 1915-1965 #1, 1ª Muestra del Cómic #1, Catalogo de la Exposicion #1, Enrique Breccia #1, Entre viñetas #1, Exposicion Homenaje #1, Fanzine de Fanzines #1, Historieta chilena contemporánea 2006-2016 #1, La fuerza del humor #1, Lectores de Borges dibujantes #1, Nada se pierde #1, Nos toco hacer reir #1, Roberto el Negro Fontanarrosa #1, Mafalda en su sopa #1, Woodwork #1, Catalogo del Tebeo en España #1, Tajan - Vente Hugo Pratt #1, Moebius alla ricerca del tempo #1, Humor gráfico en la Transición #1, Nosotras Contamos #1, Gallardo #1, 100% Negro Fontanarrosa #1, A todo Patoruzú #1, Ciutat & Comic #1, Gastronomia y Tebeos #1, Historietas #1, Interseccions #1, Catalogo Max #1, Jérôme K. Jérôme Bloche #1, Los tebeos de ayer a hoy #1, Mangasia #1, Miguel Calatayud #1, Sobras Maestras #1, TBO 75 años #1, Tebeos 100 años de historia #1, Trillo de puño y tecla #1, Valencia en viñetas #1, Viaje con Nosotros #1, Mujeres de Papel #1, Exposicion del tebeo Aragones #1, La genetica del comic #1, ¡Cuántos son mis soldados! #1, Apòcrifs. El Diocesà il·lustrat #1, Cataleg d'autors #1, Pequeña Memoria Recobrada #1, Expocomic-XVI #1, Oesterheld y después #1, Barreiro #1, Calé #1, 14º Salon Internacional del COMIC de Barcelona #1, Con las historietas se come, se cura y se educa #1, Breve Historia Universal de Landrú #1, Bergé - Jacques Martin (1921-2010) #1, R. M. Guera #1, Mujeres chilenas en la historieta #1, Prehistoria y cómic #1, Tarzan y sus creadores gráficos #1, De Tapas #1, La Argentina sin careta #1, Antologia del Comic Andaluz #1, Castelao grafista #1 and Humor Franco #1-3
Misc German MagazinesComixene #17, Pandarve: Das Don Lawrence Magazin #1-5 and Splitter, Das Comic-Journal #1-5
Misc Dutch MagazinesPandarve: Het Don Lawrence Fanzine #1-8 and #10-15

Titles Indexed

The titles are ranked by how many pages are present in the index.

Diamond Previews85 issues
The Comics Journal284 issues
Wizard Magazine243 issues
Marvel Previews238 issues
Overstreet's Comic Book Price Guide34 issues
Dolmen311 issues
Amazing Heroes220 issues
[dBD]166 issues
BoDoï140 issues
The Comics Buyer's Guide176 issues
Stripschrift385 issues
Miscellaneous Magazines104 issues
Cartoonist PROfiles145 issues
Hop!166 issues
Misc French Magazines148 issues
Miscellaneous Fanzines236 issues
Misc Spanish Magazines137 issues
Comic Book Marketplace121 issues
Comics Interview128 issues
Miscellaneous Indices17 issues
Die Sprechblase141 issues
Comic Box99 issues
PanelxPanel70 issues
Rocket's Blast & Comicollector103 issues
Misc Spanish Catalogues67 issues
Les Cahiers de la BD98 issues
The Comic Reader209 issues
Mangajin70 issues
Marvel Age148 issues
Advance Comics15 issues
Les Amis de Hergé105 issues
Comics Scene75 issues
Comic Shop News466 issues
Comics Feature64 issues
Hero Illustrated35 issues
Tebeosfera13 issues
Comicguía98 issues
Phénix48 issues
Comic Heroes22 issues
Comiqueando47 issues
Overstreet's FAN24 issues
Zoo le Mag62 issues
Les Arts Dessinés20 issues
The Comics Buyer's Guide Price Guide27 issues
CuCo: Cuadernos de Cómic17 issues
DC Connect49 issues
El Wendigo94 issues
Tegn49 issues
Toyfare28 issues
Advanced Iron71 issues
Closure: Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung17 issues
Comics Source29 issues
Comics Values Monthly89 issues
Factsheet Five21 issues
Fumo di China61 issues
Illustration Magazine30 issues
Neuvieme art17 issues
La Revista de ECC Cómics52 issues
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la Historieta37 issues
Trama44 issues
Circulo Andaluz de Tebeos26 issues
Figurines Marvel102 issues
Fumetto28 issues
Marvel Vision30 issues
Nemo: The Classic Comics Library33 issues
Planète BD60 issues
Sapristi!23 issues
Sonaste Maneco17 issues
U el Hijo de Urich21 issues
Vécu18 issues
Z: Zona Cómic72 issues
AnimeLand9 issues
Arena Magazine18 issues
Borderline21 issues
ComicScene UK20 issues
Comics Scene España19 issues
Direct Currents95 issues
Giff Wiff26 issues
KABoom14 issues
Mundo dos Super-Heróis19 issues
Overstreet's Comic Book Marketplace/Monthly23 issues
Overstreet's Price Update25 issues
Pacesetter: The George Perez Magazine16 issues
Slumberland42 issues
ZozoLala61 issues
Misc Promotional Material33 issues
Amazing World of DC Comics18 issues
Bleeding Cool13 issues
BEM: The Comics News Fanzine36 issues
Ciso Stripgids19 issues
Comic-Con Magazine24 issues
Comics Collector10 issues
The Comics File17 issues
Comics International12 issues
Diamond Previews Adult87 issues
Ekllipse9 issues
El pequeño Nemo19 issues
Exploit Comics24 issues
Forum34 issues
Funnyworld21 issues
Indy Magazine15 issues
Inside Image26 issues
The Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics10 issues
K-A CAPA alpha20 issues
Krazy Comics22 issues
Manara Figurines50 issues
Marvel Comics Index12 issues
Mundos de Papel21 issues
Net Comic32 issues
Protoculture Addicts24 issues
Scarce20 issues
Self Publisher! Magazine19 issues
Vantage28 issues
Volumen19 issues
Actuel6 issues
Alfred (Société Française de Bandes Dessinées)45 issues
Alter Ego v19 issues
Art? Alternatives9 issues
Bandes Annonces10 issues
Batmania19 issues
Bulledencre15 issues
Cascade Comix Monthly22 issues
Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées10 issues
Comic Book Collector9 issues
Comic Book Profiles7 issues
Comic Fandom Quarterly9 issues
Comic Talk11 issues
The Comic Times/Media Showcase7 issues
Comikaze: Por amor al (9o) Arte9 issues
Comix Wave163 issues
Charlton Spotlight9 issues
Crikey!12 issues
Dark Horse Insider19 issues
DC Nation7 issues
Dentro de la Viñeta12 issues
Ditkomania34 issues
Eagle Times12 issues
El maquinista14 issues
Fantaco Chronicles6 issues
Fantastic Fanzine19 issues
Focus On...5 issues
Following Cerebus12 issues
FOOM: Friends Of Ol' Marvel23 issues
The Golden Age of Comics9 issues
Graphic Story World10 issues
The Heroine Addict11 issues
Kaos7 issues
Kulørte sider21 issues
La Lettre de Dargaud12 issues
LOC: Fandom's Forum10 issues
Marvel Age España25 issues
Marvel: The Year in Review8 issues
Mediascene13 issues
The Padre Comics News17 issues
Panini Comic News17 issues
P@per10 issues
Période Rouge28 issues
Reddition6 issues
Squa Tront10 issues
Striprofiel16 issues
De Stripspeciaal Zaak62 issues
Tekst & tegning17 issues
The Telegraph Wire15 issues
Xero13 issues
Zone 530010 issues
Misc German Magazines11 issues
Alfonz: Enzyklopädie der Comics53 issues
aka7 issues
Arken Sword6 issues
ArtikZone15 issues
The Barks Collector4 issues
Captain George's Comic World5 issues
Castermag'20 issues
CBLDF Defender12 issues
Cerebro5 issues
Comico Attraction16 issues
The Comic World4 issues
Comixscene5 issues
DC Coming Attractions13 issues
DC Releases48 issues
Eclipse Extra8 issues
From The Tomb3 issues
Il Fumetto4 issues
Graphic Story Magazine4 issues
Guía del Cómic8 issues
Komix6 issues
Marvelmania8 issues
Near Mint6 issues
Newfangles39 issues
Seriefokus5 issues
Serieleseren7 issues
StripNieuws4 issues
Valiant Voice20 issues
WAP: Words & Pictures8 issues
Misc Dutch Magazines14 issues